May 21, 2013 | Kristyna | 4013 views
What is Intra City???
Intra City is a great alternative for those that play HL but would like to be challenged a little bit more and yet aren't ready to commit to the travel, cost etc that is involved with Rep hockey. Intra City is a non-contact league. Try outs for the Intra City teams follow our Rep tryouts at the spring each year. Players who are not successful at the Rep tryouts are encouraged to tryout for the Intra City league.
You do not have to try out for the Rep Program in order to try out for the Intra City team. Please remember that Intra City, like Rep is a residency restricted program. If you are unsure it you are living within the boundaries, please email Joanne Wilson at the hockey office and she will check your location.
The Intra City loop consists of Brampton, Milton, Caledon and Orangeville. Teams will have practices on a set night each week (this season it was Monday's) and they will play games against these towns each weekend. Games are played Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Intra City fees will be collected on top of the base registration amount, this will be approximately another $300. There may also be team fees which the team will collect to cover the cost of extra ice time for development clinics, practices and tournaments etc. Most teams also do fundraising to help cover these costs. If you have any further questions please email: Natasha Hussey - Intra City Director at [email protected]